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Insights: Instant Business Intelligence
Insights: Instant Business Intelligence

Learn about the power included in Telemetry's Insight features

Michael Rodriguez avatar
Written by Michael Rodriguez
Updated over a week ago

Insights contains powerful tools that ingest and display all data from all plans, therefore Insights is an admin-only feature.


The Insights Dashboard view gives you high level information on Cash, Profit & Loss, Income, Expense, and Payroll. The displayed plan is available for selection using the Plan pulldown. The Comparison plan, along with the Period, is reflected in the Profit & Loss, Income, and Expense graphs and in the bars inside Income and Expense which are green or red depending on progress toward goal.

Income, Expense, and Payroll allow you to visualize your top categories of spend and income. Income and Expense also highlight the new, top, and trending customers and vendors, i.e. the ones that are changing the most versus the prior period.


Variance is a great tool for comparing two sets of numbers side-by-side. You can choose to compare one specific time period between two different plans, in this case Operating Model vs Budget. Or instead you can compare two specific time periods inside of one plan, in this case Q4 vs Q3 inside the Operating Model.

You can click the carat icons to expand each section. Historical numbers are hyperlinked and you can further see the Suppliers and Transactions associated with each number. If you are an admin, you can even click into the journal entry.


P&L, Cash Flow statement, and Balance Sheet are available through this view. Control the visible plan, time period, and comparison plan (which is visible in the graph and at the bottom of the P&L in Target Comparison & Variance). You are able to drill down into hyperlinked historical numbers.


Suppliers is a top-down view of where the company spent money in a given time period, compared to any other. Select the time period and comparison at the top. The list is sorted by default by spend, but you can change the sort by clicking the top of each column. You are able to drill down into hyperlinked historical numbers.


Customers is a top-down view of where the company made money in a given time period, compared to any other. Select the time period and comparison at the top. The list is sorted by default by income, but you can change the sort by clicking the top of each column. You are able to drill down into hyperlinked historical numbers.


If you have connected your HRIS to Telemetry, Headcount gives you a view of spend on wages. Choose the plan, period, and start/end dates at the top. Sort the list with the pulldown below.

AI Assistant

The AI Assistant allows you to query the database using natural language. It can answer almost any question about the selected P&L, a separate budget P&L, how the two compare to each other (i.e. budget vs actual), as well as supporting information about the P&L like customer and supplier detail. It works across any time period in our database, and can even visualize data by creating charts and graphs when prompted.

Note that you should double check the responses since the AI can make query errors. Furthermore, responses may take 20 seconds or more, even up to a minute, to generate results, so your patience is appreciated. The queries here were cached in order to speed up the video. The AI Assistant can be turned off in Settings.

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