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Custom Sub Plans

Empower every team with custom financial targets built with Telemetry's segmentation engine.

Michael Rodriguez avatar
Written by Michael Rodriguez
Updated over a week ago

The Sub Plans section is Telemetry’s segment P&L engine. This allows you to take any horizontal cut of your business you like and build P&Ls across that cut. The place where most users start is by Department, but you are able to create an unlimited number of these. Click Add a New Category to create a new one – we prompt you with several suggestions or you can create a custom one of your choosing.

Once you have the Category identified, tell Telemetry the different segment P&L “buckets” you want to create inside that category by clicking Set Up Sub Plans, each is a Sub Plan. Here you have two options: Add custom allows you to name them and then subsequent workflow will have you divide employees (if you have integrated your HRIS) and chart of accounts items into these buckets. Instead if you select Add from ERP classes or Add from ERP locations, Telemetry will include all transactions from your ERP that are associated with the Class or Location. There is then no need to go through an allocation workflow.

Here I have selected Add custom. Add as many different Sub Plan “buckets” you want to track inside this Category and click Submit. You can add a further Sub Plan if you like using the plus sign on the right. The three dot menu inside each bucket allows you to delete or rename them. Next, click the Gear icon and Settings for the first step. This allows you to identify a date on which you want the P&L to begin. Then select your Comparison Target which will be used for budget vs actual reporting and click Save & Continue.

If you have integrated your HRIS, you now have the opportunity to segment your employees amongst your Sub Plans. You can allocate by individual, in which case you can click directly into the checkboxes next to an employee – it will automatically add 100% to that item. If you would like to split an employee, click the box in another column and adjust the percentages. Note that you can not allocate over 100% of an employee, though you can allocate less than 100%. In that case, the leftover percentage will go into Unallocated. You can also allocate an entire department by clicking into the Default Allocations line. The employees in that section will be set to inherit that default allocation, though you are free to override any employee by changing the type to percent or clicking into the boxes directly. If you want to start over, you can select Clear Allocations in the lower left. After you are done allocating, click Save and Continue.

You repeat a similar exercise here with your Chart of Accounts. You can click directly into the boxes to allocate by percent. Using the pulldowns, there are a few more options available to speed up your allocation. You can select to mirror allocations such as Income, Headcount (meaning weighing by the number of employees), or Payroll (meaning weighing by the amount of wages paid). Split even will spread the spend or income evenly across the number of Sub Plans. Detailed will allow you more precision – allocating by customer for income accounts or by supplier for cost accounts. Select the popout button to make those customer or supplier allocations. Note that you do not have to allocate every line. Any unallocated revenue or cost will remain in the Unallocated P&L. When you are done click Save.

Click into any of the Sub Plans to see a P&L which contains only those items that have been allocated to it. Note that the white pills have been filled in now that they’re allocated. Just like in the full company P&L, you are able to drill down into hyperlinked historical numbers. If you selected a Target plan for comparison, Telemetry will apply the same allocation percentages set up on the prior step to the Target plan. You have access to Analytics and Variance here based solely on the specific Sub Plan. Importantly, the share button in the upper right corner will share this specific Sub Plan with any individual, giving them a specific set of numbers for their job and shielding them from confidential information they shouldn’t see such as non-team member salaries.

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